What exercise works the serratus anterior?

The serratus anterior is a large, triangular muscle that extends from the ribs to the shoulder blade. It is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder blade and aiding in movements of the arm. The serratus anterior is often referred to as the “pushup muscle” because it is engaged when performing a pushup. The serratus anterior also plays an important role in keeping the shoulder blades retracted, as well as assisting in breathing. Although it is not visible from the outside, the serratus anterior is an important muscle that can be strengthened through exercise.

There are several benefits to exercising the serratus anterior. By strengthening this muscle, you can improve your posture and alleviate stress on the spine and shoulders. Furthermore, strong serratus muscles can help to improve your performance in activities such as pushups, pull-ups, and swimming. Strengthening the serratus anterior can also help to prevent injury during these activities. Consequently, exercise routines that focus on this muscle can be beneficial for both athletes and non-athletes alike.

There are a number of different exercises that can be used to target the serratus anterior. Here are three main exercises that targets this muscle group:

The first exercise is a shoulder shrug. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Slowly raise your shoulders, letting your arms hang relaxed as you do. Hold for a count of two, then slowly lower your shoulders back down. Repeat 10-15 times.

The second exercise is a modified push-up. Start in a standard push-up position, but place your hands closer together than shoulder-width apart. As you lower yourself down, focus on keeping your elbows close to your body. This will help activate the serratus anterior muscles. Lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground, then press back up to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

The third exercise is an incline row. Start by placing a dumbbell in each hand and sitting on an incline bench with your feet flat on the floor. Let the dumbbells hang straight down at arm’s length, then row them up towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body throughout the movement. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position and repeat 10-15 times.”


What are obliques?

Obliques are muscles that run along the sides of your torso and help you to twist and bend your trunk. There are two main types of obliques: the external obliques, which are located on the outside of your body, and the internal obliques, which are located underneath your external obliques. Both types of muscle work together to allow you to twist and turn your trunk.

What is the serratus anterior?

The serratus anterior is a muscle that attaches to the front of your ribs and helps to move them up and down. This muscle is important for activities such as pushing up from a lying position or reaching overhead.

How do abs help to prevent injuries?

Abs help to stabilize your spine and pelvis, which can help to prevent injuries such as strains and sprains. Strong abs also help to protect your back by absorbing impact when you fall or collide with something.


When it comes to abdominal exercises, the serratus anterior is often overlooked. This muscle is located at the sides of the ribcage and helps to stabilize the shoulder blades. Strengthening the serratus anterior can help to improve posture and prevent pain in the shoulders and upper back. In addition, strong serratus muscles can give you an advantage when performing other exercises, such as pull-ups or push-ups. So, if you’re looking to sculpt your abs and strengthen your entire core, don’t forget to add some serratus anterior exercises to your routine.

This is a body part that most people who lift weights neglect.

Do you train your serratus area?

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