About Cameron

Hey guys my name is Cameron Brown,

My passion is working with iron and sculpting my body.  I have been training my body since I was 13 years old, and I will train until I can’t. I also train in Mixed Martial Arts, Boxing, Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Jiu-jitsu, Grappling and of course, Muay Thai. Unfortunately, I had a heart attack recently while I was training at the gym.

So, imagine my surprise that the pain in my chest was the beginning of a major heart attack from having 97% of an artery blocked.  I needed an emergency catheterization.  I am now fully recovered with a new purpose and outlook on life. I’ve come to realize that I am still here to perhaps make a difference in my own life as well as others.

After a heart attack, it’s important to make lifestyle changes to improve your heart health. These changes may include quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and reducing stress. Making these changes can be difficult, but it’s important to do what you can to reduce your risk of having another heart attack. Your doctor can help you develop a plan for making lifestyle changes that are right for you. With commitment and effort, you can make lifestyle changes that will improve your heart health and help you live a longer, healthier life.

See me for who I am and what I have to offer. The potential of greatness is in all of us. But this is something that we must persistently pursue to obtain. I truly believe that this is obtainable inside and out by looking your best smelling your best being your best by way of meditation, self-education, fitness, nutrition and of course always pursuing the greater you.
I tend to prefer solitary sports; I box and practice mixed martial arts and hit the gym 4 days a week religiously. So, my story could have ended differently if I wasn’t in tune with my body and sought medical help.

A few other things about me are. I have a thirst for international and current events, self-education and self-improvement. I study the teachings of philosophers / motivational speakers like Tony Robbins and Les Brown. I have also modeled, starred in a not yet released independent film.  I am an adult performance artist for women and provide personal training for a very select clientele. I am also an affiliate marketing product influencer and a content creator.
I love to travel. I’m from Philadelphia born and raised but currently live in Florida. I do get back to Philadelphia quite often to manage my property and visit family. I also have a line of merchandise that I’m hoping will continue to grow.

My joy is my music. I am 100% classic rocker…..Kiss, Tool, STP, Monster Magnet, A Perfect Circle, Pantera, Prince and Highly Suspect are some of the names you will find in my playlist. So, stay powerful know who you are. Learn and prepare for who you’re going to be. Everyone has a legacy rather they want one or not. What’s yours going to be?